Quick! Name your favorite artist.

Did you think of a rock, country, or pop music star—or even an opera star? Maybe a jazz or classical musician? A writer, a painter, or a sculptor? Maybe a dancer or an actor or a comedian or a spoken word artist?

Perhaps your favorite artist is working now. Perhaps they worked in the distant past. Perhaps you have seen them or their work in person. Perhaps you have only listened to or watched recordings of the artist or encountered the work on the internet.

Regardless of the details, the odds are pretty good that you feel pretty strongly about your favorite artist. No doubt you find their work exciting or stirring or simply lovely. Spending time engaging with their art—whether in person or at a distance—is likely something you look forward to doing. Indeed, your favorite artist and their art might bring real feelings of comfort and relaxation.

There are, of course, a seemingly limitless number of artists to choose from when you are trying to name your favorite. But we would like to suggest that your favorite artist could turn out to be…well…you. And when you create art, you are simultaneously supporting your ongoing sobriety.

Not sure you believe us? Let us paint you a picture.

Creativity is for Everyone

While it can be tempting to think of artists as a specialized group of people with elite talent and unbounded creativity, the act of making art is available to everyone. And engaging with your creative side is good for your mental health, which in turn supports your sobriety.

Still skeptical that you can be an artist? Let’s look at it from another angle with another pop quiz:

Quick! Name your favorite athlete.

You probably named someone who is truly exceptional at whatever sport they compete in. The best three-point shooter, the best home run hitter, the best quarterback, and so on.

Now, the fact that you can name a truly exceptional athlete does not change the fact that you can participate in sports, too. Will you become the best three-point shooter anyone can name? Probably not. But you certainly can head over to the courts in the park with a few buddies and play some basketball. You might even sink a three-pointer or two, right? Plus, you’ll be getting some exercise, which is good for your physical health.

Okay, back to the artistic side of things. The fact that you have a favorite artist who is truly exceptional at what they do does not change the fact that you can create things, too. Will you become a famous or beloved artist? Probably not. But you can certainly put pen or paintbrush to paper, play around with some clay, sing your favorite song, or dust off that old musical instrument you used to play. You might even find a local musical group or theater troupe you could join, right? Plus, you’ll be fully engaging your creativity and sense of play and possibility, which is good for your mental health.

Your Sobriety and Your Mental Health Perform a Duet

As we have noted, when you turn your creative side loose, you give your mental health a boost. And since good mental health and ongoing sobriety are like two singers delivering a song with the most beautiful harmony, boosting your mental health supports your sobriety as well.

And so, we encourage you to explore your artistic side. Remember, you are not necessarily trying to become a professional artist. Instead, you are looking for a form of artistic experience that is meaningful to you and that you enjoy. Whether you keep your artistic practice private or share it with an audience, the benefits of exploring your creativity are available to you at any time.

And who knows? Maybe someday someone will think of you when asked to name their favorite artist.

We are Artful When it Comes to Helping You Get and Stay Sober

At The Aviary Recovery Center near St Louis, MO, we bring our expertise, compassion, and creativity to everything we do. We are eager to help you regain your sobriety through medically supervised detoxification. During our rehabilitation program, you will learn skills and strategies for maintaining that sobriety once you return to your day-to-day life. And when your time in treatment comes to end, you can count on our continuum of care to provide ongoing support in the early days of your recovery journey.

You can change your life from a mess into a masterpiece by putting drug and alcohol use behind you. Let us help you sculpt the life you would like to be living—a life free of drugs and alcohol.

Looking for an addiction rehab in Georgia? For more information about The Aviary Recovery Center, please contact us anytime at (314) 464-0222. We’re here to help.