Pssst! Hey, you there!

We’re going to tell you something you might not expect to read in a blog associated with a substance use disorder recovery center. It’s not the sort of thing people in the recovery community like to say out loud—even though most everyone knows it to be true.

Ready? Here goes:

Recovery can be a slog.

That isn’t a huge revelation is it? After all, the work of maintaining your sobriety can have a certain repetitiveness to it, right? You have no doubt established routines designed to help you stay sober. You go to meetings. You write in your gratitude journal. You have a regular exercise schedule, a carefully crafted diet, and a nighttime routine designed to help you get the rest you need. You have strategies for dealing with cravings, you are devoted to your mindfulness practice, and you make sure to see your supportive friends and family regularly to avoid feeling lonely and bored.

The trouble is, sometimes all these perfectly pleasant and helpful recovery activities can, in fact, feel a little boring. But it’s not like there is some way to spice up your recovery, right? Part of the whole deal is sticking to routines to protect your sobriety.

Find an Engaging Podcast

But what if you could listen to different people talk about the different ways they are living their lives while maintaining their hard-won sobriety? Doing so might be interesting—and it might be inspiring, too. You might learn about sober-friendly ways to shake things up a bit.

Here’s another not-so-secret secret: You can, in fact, listen to people talk about their lives in recovery. There are plenty of fascinating podcasts on the subject. Let’s look at a few of the many, many options you can find wherever you get your podcasts.

Solo Sobriety

The host is on a journey in her own tiny house.

From the show’s description:

This is a podcast about a young female going through the struggles of getting sober and staying sober. Finding what it means to overcome addiction and find balance in life. She’s doing all while traveling solo in a Sprinter Van that has been built into a tiny home. The words are meant to help you question your current way of living and overcome obstacles you may be facing.

The Drunkalogues

Real stories from real people who are then interviewed by a real comedian.

From the show’s description:

The Drunkalogues is a podcast about addiction and recovery where guests share their often hilarious addiction narratives – how it was, what happened and how it is now – and then endure a half-hour interview at the hands of the host, film producer Nick Morton.

Recovery Rocks

A Gen Xer and a Millennial get together to talk about recovery and rock-n-roll.

From the show’s description:

Co-hosted by recovery advocates Lisa Smith and Tawny Lara. A rock and roll-loving Gen X lawyer in 12-step recovery from addiction to alcohol and drugs. An equally rock-obsessed Millennial writer who found addiction recovery through blogging. Give them a couple microphones and you get the Recovery Rocks podcast, a new kind of discussion about the issues impacting those who struggle and recover, reflecting different perspectives, but finding much in common.

Belle’s One-Minute Messages

Like your inspiration to be both witty and brief?

From the show’s description:

My name is Belle. I don’t drink anymore. I have a sober blog (tired of thinking about drinking). I’ve been penpals with (no kidding) 3100+ people. Each person wanted to be sober. In these short one-minute audios, I share ideas and tips and inspiration and smart-mouth language. These audios get inside your head, make you laugh, encourage you to keep going. Because sobriety suits you. I can tell that from this side of the screen.

The Unruffled Podcast

Take control of your creativity to recreate your own life.

From the show’s description:

The Unruffled Podcast is a weekly show hosted by Sondra Primeaux and Tammi Salas that explores all topics relating to creativity in recovery. When an addiction is removed, there is a void that is left and this show digs into all of the ways to fill that void. The Unruffled is passionate about creating and making and how those pursuits fuel recovery, specifically from alcohol. Come with them as they unruffle the old stories and write new ones, to not just exist but thrive.

Listen here! We Can Help.

At The Aviary Recovery Center, we have the expertise, experience, and compassion necessary to help you regain and maintain your sobriety. We will create a personalized treatment plan that includes giving you the resources, strategies, and support you need to start your recovery journey with confidence. And who knows? You might be inspired to start your own podcast to inspire others on their recovery journeys.

Are you or a friend looking for a St Louis drug rehab? For more information about The Aviary Recovery Center, please contact us anytime at (314) 464-0222. We’re here to help.