Some Things to Consider

If cutting alcohol out of your life feels like a task you would really struggle with, that might be reason enough to do it. Addiction is a biological disease that ultimately takes control of a person’s autonomy and health.

If you are still on the fence and know that addiction is a burden you bear, these reasons to quit drinking may help you make your decision.

  1. Danger of Overdose
    Even for people who are not addicted, there is always the danger of an overdose if excessive or binge drinking is taking place. An alcohol overdose can be fatal, and it is not an optional red flag. Quitting drinking is truly the only sure-fire way to entirely prevent an overdose.
  2. Save Your Liver
    Due to alcohol’s direct irritation of the stomach’s lining, the scarring, or cirrhosis, of your liver occurs after years of drinking. You do not have to be drunk for this damage to take place.
  3. Save Your Heart
    Excessive and binge drinking can result in high blood pressure, cardiomyopathy, and heart arrhythmias or irregular heart rhythms. Your heart and liver are two of your body’s most essential organs. Do not take their health lightly.
  4. Improved Sleeping Habits
    While it might feel like you are getting a good night’s sleep after drinking, the type of sleep your body gets when you are drunk is fragmented. Even if it feels deeper, your body will not be properly rejuvenated. In the long run, this can have serious repercussions.
  5. Improved Focus and Concentration
    In addition to alcohol decreasing your alertness and impairing your discernment, the accompanying fatigue and lack of proper sleep will also result in poor concentration. This consequence of drinking is more than an inconvenience. It can affect your education, career, your income, and your general perception of life.
  6. Say Goodbye to Hangovers
    Your weekend mornings do not have to be miserable. While there are many purported “hangover cures” (from drinking more alcohol to cold showers and coffee), the reality is that there is only one scientifically proven way to avoid a hangover: avoid excessive drinking.
  7. Be Natural
    Learn how to celebrate life without the counterfeit buzz of alcohol! Be 110% present and alert in every moment. Can you imagine how grateful your body would feel if you only put into it things which were natural and healing?
  8. For the Sake of Your Offspring
    Addiction can be hereditary in that those with a family history of the disease can be more susceptible to also having it themselves. Additionally, some people can also inherit the increased risk for diseases like cirrhosis of the liver.
  9. Quit While You’re Ahead
    If you continue drinking excessively, there is nowhere to go but down. Since alcohol is a substance many people can quickly build up a tolerance against, it is inevitable that the amount of alcohol it took to get to a desired level of intoxication will just continue to increase over time. Even if you are already at a low place, if you were to quit today, you would still be preventing whatever further, more dangerous drinking might have lay ahead of you.
  10. Get Your Autonomy Back
    As mentioned at the beginning, addiction is a disease in which you lose control over your own body. Becoming sober is truly the only way you can overcome this battle once and for all.

Help Is Available

When you are ready, reach out to the Missouri alcohol addiction treatment professionals at The Aviary Recovery Center. You can also contact us if you want to hear more about reasons to get professional help, how to know if a loved one is addicted, or to learn more about what kind of resources we have to offer.

For more information about The Aviary Recovery Center, alcohol treatment facility St. Louis, please contact us anytime at
(314) 464-0222. We’re here to help.