The Aviary Recovery Center Blog

Healthy Eating in Recovery – Third in a Series

Healthy Eating in Recovery – Third in a Series

This blog post is the third in our series dedicated to helping you make healthy decisions about what you do and do not eat. Eating healthily is, of course, important for everyone, but making good choices around food can be particularly crucial to a person in recovery from a substance...

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Getting on the Same Page – What to Expect from Family Therapy

Getting on the Same Page – What to Expect from Family Therapy

A Family Matter If someone in your family is struggling with a substance use disorder, there’s a good chance that each family member is dealing with the situation in different ways. Maybe one of you wants to cut off all contact with the person who is drinking or using drugs...

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What if 12-Step Programs Aren’t the Right Steps for Your Recovery?

What if 12-Step Programs Aren’t the Right Steps for Your Recovery?

Alcoholics Anonymous is surprisingly famous for an organization with “anonymous” in its name. AA and the 12-step program at its heart are what most people think of when they think about recovery from a substance use disorder. The idea of a group of people sitting in a church basement, using...

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Healthy Eating in Recovery – Second in a Series

Healthy Eating in Recovery – Second in a Series

This post is the second entry in our series about the importance of healthy eating for a person who is in recovery from a substance use disorder. You can read the first entry here {LINK not yet published} to see our suggestions about hydration and your morning meal. This time...

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Signs of Addiction

Signs of Addiction

Knowing the signs of addiction is the first step to determining whether or not your loved one has a problem with drugs or alcohol. Since addiction is a disease, early treatment increases the chance for a successful recovery. General Signs of Addiction Sometimes addiction begins in social settings or with...

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Healthy Eating in Recovery – First in a Series

Healthy Eating in Recovery – First in a Series

How healthy is your diet? It is a good question for anyone, but it is an especially good question for a person in recovery from a substance use disorder. That is because a healthy diet supports your sobriety. And an unhealthy diet? Well, it can undermine your efforts to stay...

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Stages of Change in Recovery

Stages of Change in Recovery

Much research has been about the disease of addiction and its effects. Dr. Mark Gold suggests there are 6 stages of change in recovery and explains how each change directly affects behaviors and characteristics associated with addiction. In his article titled "Stages of Change," Gold explains how the psyche is...

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Surround Yourself with People Who Support You in Recovery

Surround Yourself with People Who Support You in Recovery

Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood? If you are a Sesame Street fan, you probably remember a song called “The People in Your Neighborhood.” Each segment featuring the catchy tune introduces viewers to the various kinds of people they might encounter in their neighborhood. A fireman, for example, or...

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Cold Turkey: Good for Sandwiches. Bad for Recovery.

Cold Turkey: Good for Sandwiches. Bad for Recovery.

We Admit This Post is Making Us Hungry One of the great joys of what might be called “the big food holidays”—especially Thanksgiving and Christmas—is that there are often delicious leftovers to enjoy in the days that follow. Often, that includes turkey, which when combined with some other scrumptious ingredients,...

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Do Not Do Recovery Solo – The Benefits of Getting with the Group (or Groups)

Do Not Do Recovery Solo – The Benefits of Getting with the Group (or Groups)

When you are in recovery from a substance use disorder, there is a reasonable chance that you will experience some embarrassment or guilt or shame related to the way you behaved before you got sober. Those are the sorts of the feelings that can cause you to isolate yourself from...

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