Stuck At Home

Let’s just admit that an awful lot of us are watching an impressive amount of shows and movies on various streaming platforms right now. The COVID-19 virus has us stuck at home and at loose ends—and sometimes sitting on the couch and watching the screen is the best distraction we can think of for the boredom and restlessness we are feeling.

Fending off these feelings is particularly important if you are in recovery from a substance use disorder. You certainly don’t want this public health crisis to lead to a relapse in your own personal health. So some extra screen time may serve you well.

And if you are currently struggling with a substance use disorder and need to get help—which is available right now at The Aviary Recovery Center—you might find the encouragement you need to get that help by taking in some inspirational stories of recovery. Consider watching a documentary!

Below is a list of documentaries that feature people who are heroes of all kinds and who can inspire you to be a hero, too.

A Hero Can Be a Friend: Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Mr. Rogers is one of the most beloved figures in television history. This gentle man would invite young viewers into his TV home with a merry song and an unshakeable belief in the value of every person. He was always ready to help us through tough times. This documentary (not to be confused with the more recent feature film starring Tom Hanks) is the perfect reminder of—or introduction to—Fred Rogers. He was everyone’s neighbor, and his kindness to all might encourage you to be kind to yourself as you work to establish or maintain your sobriety.

A Hero Might Be Hidden: The Anonymous People

Addiction is a subject we often are uncomfortable talking about—and so it is easy to forget just how many people struggle with substance use disorders. That, in turn, can make any given individual feel alone in their struggles. The Anonymous People reminds us, however, that more than 20 million people in the United States are in a battle with drugs or alcohol. The documentary seeks to reduce the stigma associated with substance use disorders by making it clear that it is a problem that affects people of all walks of life. By sharing their stories, the people profiled heroically step out from behind the screen of anonymity to remind us that no one is struggling alone.

A Hero Can Need Help: We Are Not Done Yet

Focusing on active-duty personnel and military veterans who have experienced trauma while serving, We Are Not Done Yet is an inspiring look at the efforts of those who serve our country to serve themselves well in the face of ongoing difficulties. The issues are many—from the epidemic of sexual assault on women who serve to the high incidence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder related to combat experiences—but the commitment is consistent: find a way to address the trauma without turning to alcohol or drugs. Via a focus on art and unity, these heroes set out to prove the title of this documentary is true.

A Hero May Be Unlikely: Into the Wind

In 1980, Terry Fox did something amazing. He ran from one end of Canada to the other. That would be quite a feat under normal circumstances, but Fox’s circumstances were complicated by the fact that he had lost a leg to cancer. A prosthetic leg wasn’t going to slow Fox down, however. He set out alone, determined to reach his goal and uninterested in anything anyone might say to dissuade him. Into the Wind, which was directed by former NBA superstar Steve Nash, is a story of grit and determination in the face of seemingly overwhelming challenges. It reminds us that we have the internal resources to achieve even the most difficult of goals.

A Hero Can Be a Celebrity: Russell Brand: From Addiction to Recovery

Few people on the planet are as funny as Russell Brand. But there was nothing funny about his substance use disorder. At the age of 27, in light of his friend Amy Winehouse’s death at the same age, Brand set out to leave his destructive lifestyle behind. Brand may be a comedian, but he takes the subject of addiction and recovery very seriously, talking with experts about a wide range of topics from the science of addiction to the role public policy can play in helping people who struggle with drugs or alcohol.

A Here Can Be You: Finding Joe

Maybe (heck, probably) your name isn’t Joe. But this film, centered on Joseph Campbell, the scholar who popularized the notion of “the hero’s journey,” is also a film about all of us and our own journeys. The documentary features Avika Goldman, Deepak Chopra, Rashida Jones, and others talking about the ways in which we are heroes in our stories who must overcome obstacles throughout life. A substance use disorder is, of course, an obstacle that must be overcome. Finding Joe can help you find your inner hero—a hero who can win back and maintain sobriety even when it seems difficult. That, after all, is what heroes do.

A Hero Needs a Team: Call Us If You Need Help

The Aviary Recovery Center is ready and able to help you get your hero’s journey headed in the right direction. We are open and committed to a range of safety precautions to keep you safe from the COVID-19 virus. Our compassionate, personalized care will give you the tools you need to maintain your sobriety after detox and rehab. A hero facing a crisis knows the time to act is now. We are ready when you are.

For more information about The Aviary Recovery Center, and outpatient addiction treamtent in St. Louis, please contact us anytime at
(314) 464-0222. We’re here to help.