Even if you think of yourself as a Marvel Comics fan (or not a comics fan at all!), the odds are pretty good that you can name the three most famous and beloved characters in DC Comics.
They are, of course, Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. They are so important to the imaginary world they inhabit that even other superheroes refer to them as “The Trinity.”
Each of these characters has their own collection of traits. For example, Supes can fly, Bats is a master detective, and Wonder Woman adheres to her fierce moral code. We would argue that each hero also has at least one trait that applies to the recovery journey.
Let’s consider how DC’s renowned heroes provide positive examples for a person in recovery from a substance use disorder.
Superman Stands for Truth
Back in the day, it was often said that Superman stood for “truth, justice, and the American way.” More recently, ideas of justice and the American way have come under quite a bit of scrutiny—even in comic books—but the notion of truth as a guiding principle has remained. You can see how this might be important to a superhero like Superman. He wants to be sure he is employing his powers in service of true aims and ideals.
Truth is important in recovery, too—especially truth to oneself.
The first truth that can change your life is acknowledging that you have a problem with drugs or alcohol. But truth continues to be important even after treatment comes to an end. You have to be honest with yourself about your struggles, the problems you caused for yourself and others in the past, and much more.
You can be like Superman by committing yourself to the truth.
Batman Defines Resilience
One of the most important things to understand about Batman is that he does not have any superpowers. None at all. And yet he manages to battle a whole variety of threats just as fiercely as any of his powerful friends. He is a model of resilience—always doing what he needs to do to train, make adjustments, and recuperate after injuries so that he is ready at the critical moments.
Resilience is important in recovery, too—especially when challenges arise.
You need to be resilient, for example, in the face of cravings that are likely to arise and tempt you to return to drug or alcohol use. Resilience can be necessary as you do the hard work of repairing damaged relationships, too. And a spirit of resilience is what will get you back into treatment should you experience a relapse.
You can be like Batman by building up your resilience.
Wonder Woman is Committed to Kindness
When Wonder Woman comes to mind, you might first think of her Lasso of Truth—and we could have used her as an example of the importance of truth. Instead, however, we want to hold Diana (that is Wonder Woman’s name) up as a model of kindness—someone who always considers what others need and works to provide it without judgment. (And just as Diana could be a symbol of truth, Superman could be a symbol of kindness; Batman…well…)
Kindness is important in recovery, too—both for yourself and for others around you.
Being kind to yourself means accepting that you have made mistakes in the past but that those mistakes do not define you. It means knowing you may make future mistakes—and that is okay. Being kind to others is simply good practice for everyone, especially for people in recovery from a substance use disorder. Your kindness to someone who is also part of the recovery community can be just what they need to get through another day. Your kindness to others around you just makes them feel good—and it will make you feel good, too. That, in turn, firms up the foundations of your recovery.
You can be like Wonder Woman by committing yourself to kindness
Our Superpower is Helping You Recover
At The Aviary Recovery Center—located near St. Louis, Missouri—we help people overcome substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, and issues grounded in trauma. Admittedly, we can’t fly, we don’t have an amazing car we keep in a cave, and we don’t have a jet—invisible or otherwise.
What we do have is years of training and experience. We are firmly dedicated to evidence-based treatment practices and personalized treatment programs. And we have the empathy necessary to ensure you are always treated with the respect you deserve.
We have been recognized as one of the top substance use disorder treatment centers in the country for two years running. We are ready to ensure you get the top-notch care and support you need to start your recovery journey with the confidence of a superhero.