In many of our blog entries, we talk about The Aviary Recovery Center’s inpatient treatment program for substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health disorders. That program brings a person into residence at The Aviary during the period they are going through medically supervised detoxification and our rehabilitation program. Inpatient treatment has a variety of advantages, not the least of which is the opportunity to get sober and learn strategies for remaining sober in an environment where you do not have access to drugs or alcohol.

But inpatient treatment is not the only option when you are struggling with a substance use disorder. The Aviary Recovery Center also offers outpatient treatment. Our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is a wonderful option for those who may not need to be monitored around the clock or who are not in need of medical detoxification. The IOP can also serve as a follow-up approach to residential treatment, allowing a person to continue receiving treatment while they return to their day-to-day life. A person pursuing IOP can continue attending school or going to work and can maintain their family life as well.

The goal of the intensive outpatient program is identical to the goal of our residential program: Providing the treatment, resources, and support necessary to enable a person to maintain their sobriety over time.

Building Skills for Long-term Recovery

We would love to be able to tell you that if you go through residential treatment you will have achieved permanent sobriety. But unfortunately, that is not the case. The risk of relapse is always present, but the risk can be minimized by building a set of skills that can help you navigate difficult moments in your recovery journey. Building up your skill set while also gathering a better understanding of the nature of a substance use disorder can help you be resilient in difficult situations.

Our IOP—which generally includes three-hour sessions with a licensed mental health professional three to five times a week over a period of months—can help you develop those skills. Our program focuses on:

The Aviary’s IOP Offers Extensive Benefits 

Our approach to outpatient treatment for substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders offers a range of benefits for participants. These include:

  • Structured support and increased accountability: A treatment program built around structure is helpful to many individuals, and The Aviary’s IOP is structured around regular group and individual therapy sessions, educational workshops, and other activities. The structure can be a powerful aid in helping you stay on track. The attendance and homework requirements also can help you stay motivated and committed to your recovery.
  • Comprehensive treatment: The Aviary’s IOP offers a variety of treatment modalities (that is, a variety of approaches to therapy) including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). We also provide medication management services. This comprehensive approach addresses the root causes of substance use disorders and mental health issues and paves the way for the development of healthy coping mechanisms.
  • Socialization and support: Participants in The Aviary’s IOP program have the opportunity to connect with other people who are facing similar challenges. This creates a network of valuable peer support and helps to reduce feelings of isolation that many people struggling with substance use disorders experience.
  • Flexibility and lower cost: In some cases, a person is simply not in a position to leave behind their day-to-day life for inpatient treatment. In other cases, a person may not be able to afford to do so. And of course, those two situations are often intertwined. Our IOP is more flexible and less expensive than inpatient treatment.
  • A potential and supportive step down from inpatient treatment: As we have noted, some individuals who go through inpatient treatment benefit from the ongoing treatment available from an IOP. The ongoing support of an IOP can help an individual successfully transition back to their daily lives with their sobriety intact.
  • Improved life skills and quality of life: We have identified some key life skills that our IOP introduces and reinforces. The IOP can also boost an individual’s overall quality of life by reducing symptoms of a co-occurring mental health disorder, helping participants strengthen key relationships, and fostering increased self-esteem.

Whether You Choose an Inpatient or Outpatient Option, We Can Help

The Aviary Recovery Center—located near St. Louis, Missouri—offers evidence-based, personalized treatment for substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health disorders. Whether you choose inpatient or outpatient treatment, you can count on The Aviary staff to bring experience, expertise, and empathy to the process. Our goal is to help you get sober and stay sober—and we are ready to get started whenever you are.