We Admit This Post is Making Us Hungry

One of the great joys of what might be called “the big food holidays”—especially Thanksgiving and Christmas—is that there are often delicious leftovers to enjoy in the days that follow. Often, that includes turkey, which when combined with some other scrumptious ingredients, can be used to make a yummy and satisfying sandwich.

That is an excellent use of cold turkey. But the phrase “cold turkey” is often used to describe the attempt to stop using drugs or alcohol by, well, simply stopping. That particular kind of cold turkey tends to be a terrible idea. Why? Because your body and brain tend to react in extreme ways when they are suddenly deprived of a substance they have come to rely on. These withdrawal symptoms that be just as dangerous as the impacts of drugs or alcohol. 

The Rigors of Withdrawal

The symptoms of withdrawal vary from substance to substance, but as a rule, they tend to include intense cravings for the drug or drugs in question. That, in and of itself, can make it difficult to give up a substance cold turkey. But cravings are hardly the only issue a person might face while in withdrawal. Other common symptoms include (but are by no means limited to):

  • Sleep issues
  • Agitation, irritability, or feelings of restlessness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Changes in mood
  • Anxiety or symptoms of depression
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Confusion and disorientation

As you can see, these issues related to withdrawal can be just as bad as the effects of ongoing drug or alcohol use. That means you are caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place. You can’t keep using drugs or alcohol without terrible consequences. You also can’t stop using drugs or alcohol without terrible consequences.

So what is the alternative to quitting cold turkey? We’re glad you asked.

The Value of Medically Supervised Detoxification

The best option for reclaiming your sobriety is to go through a medically supervised detoxification program. There are several key advantages to this approach, including the fact that you go through the withdrawal stage in an environment that is both safe and free from temptations.

After all, when you are facing intense cravings and have ongoing access to drugs or alcohol, the chances are pretty good that you are going to give in. A detox program eliminates that ongoing temptation while also ensuring that you are in a safe place unlike trying to quit cold turkey.

That safety is enhanced by medical supervision which is a key part of a good detoxification program. Trained medical professionals can monitor your condition around the clock and intervene if the symptoms of withdrawal lead to a problem that threatens your well-being. In some cases, medically assisted detoxification, a process in which specific medications are used to ease the various difficulties that arise during withdrawal, is also an option.

Another advantage of a detoxification program is that it leads naturally to the next step in the treatment process: rehabilitation.

How Rehab Builds on Detox

In a robust rehabilitation program, group and individual therapy sessions help the person who has newly reclaimed their sobriety learn strategies and acquire resources for maintaining that sobriety over time. Rehabilitation also includes treatment for co-occurring mental health disorders—like the various kinds of depression, anxiety or panic disorders, or issues grounded in trauma—which are often entangled with a substance use disorder. 

A person who has attempted to get sober by going cold turkey is unlikely to acquire those strategies and resources—or to get treatment for a mental health disorder. That means that even if they manage to successfully weather the rigors of withdrawal, their sobriety is on shaky footing. They also do not have access to the ongoing support and aftercare provided to those who pursue treatment via a fully accredited recovery center.

The Aviary is Counted Among the Very Best

For two consecutive years, The Aviary Recovery Center near St. Louis, Missouri has been named one of the best substance use disorder treatment facilities in the country. That is a reflection of our ongoing commitment to creating personalized treatment plans for each person we serve. Those plans are grounded in evidence-based practices and supported by our years of training and experience as well as our ethos of empathy that ensures you are always treated with the kindness and respect you deserve.

In addition to our residential treatment program, we also offer outpatient and virtual recovery programs. In each case, we provide top-notch treatment and follow it up with a continuum of care designed to ensure you can start your recovery journey with confidence. In the event of a relapse, we are ready and able to help you reestablish your sobriety and start the process of living a sober life again. 

If you are struggling with drugs or alcohol, we urge you to avoid trying to quit cold turkey. Instead, let us help you make a lasting change for the better.